MPC4 200-510-076-114缩略图

MPC4 200-510-076-114

MPC4 200-510-076-114插图

MPC4 200-510-076-114

MPC4 200-510-076-114 Product Specifications

Understanding the MPC4 200-510-076-114

MPC4 200-510-076-114 appears to be a specific model of a vibration monitoring card or machinery protection card. Based on the part number, it’s likely manufactured by Parker Hannifin or its subsidiary, Meggitt Vibro-Meter. These cards are commonly used in industrial machinery to monitor vibration levels and provide early warning of potential equipment failures.

Product Parameters and Specifications

Unfortunately, without the complete product datasheet, I can only provide general information. The specific parameters and specifications can vary significantly based on the exact configuration and features of the card.

However, typical parameters that might be relevant to a vibration monitoring card like the MPC4 200-510-076-114 could include:

  • Inputs: The types of sensors it can accept (e.g., accelerometers, velocity transducers).
  • Measurements: The types of measurements it can perform (e.g., vibration amplitude, frequency, phase).
  • Outputs: The types of outputs it can provide (e.g., analog signals, digital signals, relay outputs).
  • Communication: The communication protocols it supports (e.g., Modbus, Ethernet).
  • Features: Additional features like alarm functions, data logging, or integration with other systems.
  • Dimensions and Weight: Physical size and weight of the card.
  • Environmental Conditions: Operating temperature range, humidity, vibration resistance.

Application Areas

Vibration monitoring cards like the MPC4 200-510-076-114 are commonly used in:

  • Machinery Protection: Protecting critical machinery from damage caused by excessive vibration.
  • Condition Monitoring: Monitoring the condition of rotating equipment to detect early signs of wear or failure.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Planning maintenance activities based on the condition of the equipment.
  • Process Control: Integrating vibration monitoring into process control systems.

How to Get More Specific Information

To obtain precise and detailed information about the MPC4 200-510-076-114, I recommend the following steps:

  1. Contact Parker Hannifin or Meggitt Vibro-Meter: Reach out to their customer support or sales department with the specific model number. They will be able to provide you with a datasheet or product manual.
  2. Search Online: Use search engines to find the product datasheet or any relevant information.
  3. Check Online Marketplaces: Platforms like eBay or Alibaba might have listings for this card, which could provide additional details.

Additional Tips

  • Look for Data Sheets: These documents provide comprehensive information about a product’s specifications, dimensions, and applications.
  • Search for Similar Models: If you can’t find the exact model, search for similar models from the same manufacturer.
  • Consult with a System Integrator: If you are working with a system integrator, they may have experience with this type of card and can provide additional insights.

Please provide more context or information about the specific application or industry you are interested in, and I will do my best to provide a more tailored response.

Possible additional questions to help clarify:

  • What type of machinery are you trying to monitor?
  • What specific measurements are you interested in?
  • What is the operating environment for the card?

By providing more details, I can help you find the specific information you need.

MPC4 200-510-076-114插图1

MPC4 200-510-076-114

MPC4 200-510-076-114插图2

MPC4 200-510-076-114