KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101缩略图

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101插图

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101

ABB KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101 Product Details

The ABB KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101 is an industrial automation control module manufactured by ABB. Based on the available information, it is commonly identified as a Gate Unit Power Supply. This module primarily provides power to ABB’s automation systems, supplying power to other components within the control system.

Product Features:

  • Designed for ABB Automation Systems: Highly compatible with ABB control systems, allowing seamless integration.
  • High Reliability: Employs industrial-grade components, ensuring stable operation in harsh industrial environments.
  • Modular Design: Easy to install and maintain.
  • Provides Stable Power: Provides a reliable power supply for the control system, ensuring its normal operation.

Product Specifications:

Parameter Value Unit Description
Model KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101 Product Identification
Output Voltage [Refer to product manual] V DC voltage output of the module
Output Current [Refer to product manual] A DC current output of the module
Dimensions [Refer to product manual] mm Physical dimensions of the module
Weight [Refer to product manual] kg Weight of the module
KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101插图1

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101


KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101插图1

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101插图2

KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101