ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278缩略图

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278插图

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278

Product Information for ABB Component: ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278

Product Parameters & Specifications:

  • Part Number: 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278
  • Manufacturer: ABB

Due to the specificity of the part number, exact technical specifications, such as voltage, current ratings, switching capacity, and other electrical characteristics, would be found in the product’s technical data sheet or manual provided by ABB.

Dimensions & Weight:

  • Dimensions and Weight vary depending on the design and construction of the component. These details are typically provided in the product’s technical documentation.


  • The “GJR5253” portion of the part number suggests that this component belongs to a series or family of ABB products designed with similar features or intended for specific applications. However, the exact series name and characteristics would be specified in ABB’s product catalog or documentation.


  • Features of the ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278 depend on its type and intended use. Based on similar ABB products, it could include:
    • High-performance switching capabilities
    • Durable and reliable construction
    • Compatibility with ABB’s automation and control systems
    • Protection against electrical faults, such as overload or short circuits
    • Modular design for easy integration into various systems
  • Additional features may be mentioned in the product’s technical data sheet, such as specific control signals compatibility, communication protocols supported, or environmental conditions (e.g., temperature range) in which the component can operate.


  • The exact function and application of the ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278 depend on its type and intended use within an electrical or automation system. It could be used as a controller, relay, power module, or another type of component within a larger system.
  • Possible applications could include:
    • Industrial automation
    • Power distribution
    • Motor control
    • Process control systems
    • Safety and protection systems

Example Translation:

The ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278 is a component with specific technical parameters, dimensions, and weight detailed in ABB’s product documentation. It belongs to the GJR5253 series or family of products, designed with features tailored to its intended application. As an ABB component, it is likely used in industrial automation, power distribution, motor control, or similar systems, providing reliable and high-performance functionality.


ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278插图1

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278插图2

ABB 07KT98 H2 GJR5253100R0278