Honeywell 05701-A-0301 is a versatile control card with a wide range of applications and specifications. Below are its detailed product parameters, product specifications, series, dimensions, features, function weight, and application areas:
Product parameters and specifications
1. **Input Voltage**: Typically 24VAC ± 20%.
2. **Control type**: Proportional control.
3. **Output Type**: Relay.
4. **Output Voltage**: 24VAC±20%, Output Rating: 10A resistor.
5. **Interface**: Including power supply interface, analog signal input interface, analog signal output interface and RS-485 communication interface.
Dimensions and Weight
– Dimensions: Dimensional information provided by different sources is not consistent, for example:
– 40 mm x 40 mm x 20 mm.
– 17 cm x 25 cm x 11.2 cm.
– 110 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm.
– Weight: Weight information is also inconsistent across sources, for example:
– 50 grams.
– 0.165 kg.
– 200 grams.
Features and Functions
– **HIGH ACCURACY**: Equipped with a high performance analog-to-digital converter to provide accurate temperature measurement.
– **RELIABILITY**: Rugged design for use in a variety of industrial environments.
– **Single-channel design**: Can be used to monitor and control individual process parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc.
– **Real-time**: Provides real-time control and data feedback to ensure fast system response.
Application Areas
– Widely used in chemical, oil and gas, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), power systems, manufacturing and other industrial applications.
– Enables monitoring and control of gas concentrations in gas detection systems.
– Controls equipment such as fans, pumps and valves.
Series and Package Formats
– It belongs to Honeywell’s pressure switch series.
– Packaging is SMD type and made of plastic.
### Additional Information
– Operating temperature range: -40℃ to 85℃.
– Conforms to IEC 60529 standard, supports linearization and non-linearization, alarm function and remote calibration.
In summary, the Honeywell 05701-A-0301 is a powerful and widely used control card for a variety of industrial environments and application scenarios.
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