NDCU-21C  ABB缩略图




Product Details – NDCU-21C (ABB)

Product Name: NDCU-21C

Manufacturer: ABB

Product Overview:
The NDCU-21C is likely a part of ABB’s range of control units or devices designed for use in industrial automation, power distribution, or similar applications. It could be a controller, drive unit, or another type of electronic device that facilitates the control, monitoring, or regulation of electrical systems.

Product Specifications:

  • Model Number: NDCU-21C
  • Series: Depending on ABB’s product categorization, the NDCU-21C may belong to a specific series of control units or devices. However, the exact series is not specified in this general overview.
  • Technical Characteristics: The NDCU-21C’s technical specifications, such as input/output ratings, control logic, communication protocols, and power requirements, would be detailed in ABB’s official product documentation.

Product Dimensions and Weight:

  • Dimensions (L x W x H): The exact dimensions of the NDCU-21C are not provided here, as they would be specified in ABB’s product datasheet or catalog.
  • Weight: Similarly, the weight of the unit is not specified without direct access to ABB’s product information.

As mentioned, the exact series that the NDCU-21C belongs to may vary depending on ABB’s product categorization.


  • Integrated Control: The NDCU-21C likely offers integrated control capabilities for precise regulation of electrical systems or equipment.
  • Communication Interfaces: It may be equipped with various communication interfaces for seamless integration with other devices, systems, or networks.
  • Protection and Safety: Incorporates safety features and protections to ensure reliable and safe operation.
  • Flexibility: Designed for use in a variety of industrial automation and power distribution applications.

Functions and Applications:

  • Industrial Automation: The NDCU-21C could be used in industrial automation systems for precise control and monitoring of electrical processes and equipment.
  • Power Distribution: Suitable for use in power distribution networks, where it may help regulate and monitor the flow of electrical energy.
  • Machine Control: Integrated into machines and equipment for automated control and monitoring of operational parameters.

Note: For accurate and detailed information about the NDCU-21C, including dimensions, weight, technical specifications, and other features, please refer to ABB’s official product documentation or contact ABB directly.

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