


Product Model:

Product Parameters:

  • CPU: Intel® 32-bit RISC Super Scalar processor12
  • Clock Speed: Up to 150 MIPS12
  • Memory: 16 MB SDRAM with battery backup123



  • I/O Scan Cycle: Configurable, depending on fieldbus module capabilities3
  • Instruction Processing:
    • Binary and 16-bit arithmetic instructions: <1.0 ms
    • Fixed-point arithmetic instructions: <2.0 ms
    • 32-bit arithmetic instructions: <1.5 ms123
  • Power Consumption: Maximum 7.8 W (depending on CPU usage and cycle time)12

Product Specifications:

  • Performance: High-performance controller capable of handling complex automation needs123
  • Reliability: Designed for stability and reliability in harsh industrial environments123
  • Communication Interfaces: Supports multiple communication interfaces such as Ethernet, serial communication, Profibus, Profinet, etc.13
  • Programming Environment: Typically programmed and configured using ABB’s engineering tools (e.g., Control Builder M)3
  • Modular Design: Allows for expansion and customization by adding modules to increase I/O points or add specific functionality13

239 mm x 202 mm x 164 mm23


  • Basic unit only: Maximum 1.6 kg (3.53 lbs)12
  • Fully assembled: Maximum 5 kg (11 lbs)1
  • PM803F插图1



  • High Performance: Uses an Intel® 32-bit RISC Super Scalar processor for fast and efficient processing12.
  • High Reliability: Incorporates advanced control technology and quality components for stable and reliable operation123.
  • Modular Design: Enables easy expansion and maintenance by adding or removing modules2.
  • Multiple Communication Options: Supports various communication protocols for connectivity with other PLCs, sensors, actuators, and supervisory systems12.
  • Ease of Use: Provides simple setup and operation for user convenience1.


  • Executes control programs, processes data, and communicates with field devices1.
  • Handles real-time data, logic control, data processing, and communication tasks3.

Application Areas:

  • Used in various industrial automation and control applications, including manufacturing, process control, power distribution, and building automation12.

ABB is a leading global supplier of digital solutions and services for industry automation4. The ABB-PM803F controller is designed to meet the demands of modern industrial automation, providing advanced features and functionality to support efficient and reliable control solutions.


