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Product information materials for the GE IC697BEM713F typically include:

  1. Datasheet: This document provides a brief overview of the module, including its features, specifications, and electrical characteristics.
  2. User Manual: The user manual offers detailed information on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot the module. It provides step-by-step instructions, wiring diagrams, and programming examples.
  3. Technical Reference: This document delves deeper into the technical aspects of the module, providing in-depth explanations of its architecture, communication protocols, and compatibility with other GE 90-70 Series modules.
  4. Configuration Software Manual: If the module requires software configuration, a separate manual is usually provided. This manual covers installation and use of the software, as well as specific configuration settings for the IC697BEM713F.
  5. Certifications and Compliance: Depending on the target market and application, product information materials may include certificates and compliance documents, such as CE, UL, or RoHS certifications.
  6. Accessories and Spare Parts: Information on available accessories and spare parts, such as cables, connectors, mounting hardware, and replacement components.


The GE IC697BEM713F is a Bus Controller module designed for the GE Fanuc Series 90-70 PLC system. It is used to interface the PLC system with other devices such as I/O modules or intelligent devices on the bus network.

The IC697BEM713F supports a variety of communication protocols including Genius, Genius LAN, and Genius I/O. It provides a high-speed communication link and is capable of controlling up to 63 devices on the bus network.

The IC697BEM713F module features built-in diagnostics and fault detection capabilities for easy troubleshooting. It also has LED indicators for status and fault indication.

Overall, the IC697BEM713F is a reliable and efficient Bus Controller module that enables seamless communication and control of devices on the bus network in a GE Fanuc Series 90-70 PLC system.

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The GE IC697BEM713F is a Bus Controller Module that is part of the GE Fanuc 90-70 Series PLC system. It is used to connect the PLC to a Profibus-DP network.

Product information materials for the GE IC697BEM713F typically include:

  1. Datasheet: This document provides a brief overview of the module, including its features, specifications, and electrical characteristics.
  2. User Manual: The user manual offers detailed information on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot the module. It provides step-by-step instructions, wiring diagrams, and programming examples.
  3. Technical Reference: This document delves deeper into the technical aspects of the module, providing in-depth explanations of its architecture, communication protocols, and compatibility with other GE 90-70 Series modules.
  4. Configuration Software Manual: If the module requires software configuration, a separate manual is usually provided. This manual covers installation and use of the software, as well as specific configuration settings for the IC697BEM713F.
  5. Certifications and Compliance: Depending on the target market and application, product information materials may include certificates and compliance documents, such as CE, UL, or RoHS certifications.
  6. Accessories and Spare Parts: Information on available accessories and spare parts, such as cables, connectors, mounting hardware, and replacement components.

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